Sunday, 29 January 2012

4 Months on...

Well, my worst fears have come true, and my dreams of a booming, regular blog oozing with content have entirely failed.

All the blog and I can do is try again like all relationships that take another shot at it; ignoring the warning signs and trying to avoid the sad truth that maybe they just don't love each other.

But for now I'm optimistic, in the library, and full of good ideas.

Having given some thought to how I could make this blog a success, apart from the obvious doing-some-work bit, I've concluded that a good blog or good anything in this audio-visual, information, stimulation, immediate gratification matrix called the Internet is to be sharp, and to hook you in without you, the consumer, having to commit to much time or effort before deciding whether or not there going to enjoy the content provided.

There are some simple techniques: blocks of text-BAD, bits of text with lots of space-BETTER. Capital letters-GOOD. Pictures, video, music, slideshows, links ALL GOOD.

And therein lies the problem. I'm doing a long piece of written work about about lots of books, using textual and literary criticism. And then I'm writing about that process.

So, in an effort to 1) help me digest the, at times dense, scholarship and 2) hook you, my adoring and easily bored readership, I will try as much as possible to post a big picture or maybe a video (if I figure out a good way of making them) that summarises what I'm reading or writing at the time.

I'll obviously be supplementing this with text as it will probably need some explanation, but I hope this will better lead to the fulfilment of the aims of this entire venture: to get me to work, and to stimulate and entertain a couple of people with this stuff I find really interesting.

I'll se you n a couple of days, hopefully.

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